Christopher joined his father in the family business of wool processing and selling.When Columbus
at age 14 He served on various ships in various roles.Columbus made his way to Lisbon and its large
community of Genoese merchants and Shipbuilders.He was 25 years old.
In 1478 or 1479 Columbus met and married Felipa Perestrello e Moniz. They had one son name Diego
in 1480or 1481.Felipa died soon thereafter.
King John II was personally committee to sailing around Africa and discovering a direct sea route to India Ocean and Asia.The King's strong support of geographical exploration made him a logical choice for Columbus to approach.In addition Columbus had been in Portugal for seven years and had married a Portuguese.
At the time of Columbus many Europeans believed the earth was flat.They was wrong.Christopher believed that the earth was round,like a ball.The Queen of Spain help Christopher .She gave him three ships: the Nina the Pita and the Santa Maria.She also gave Columbus men to sail in the ship with him.Columbus sail across the Atlantic Ocean.After 30 days of travel he and his men reach land.They believed that they were near India in Asia but it was not Asia.They had reach the New Wold : North America and South America.
After the trip by Columbus.The Europeans began to colonize the New Wold.
The Christopher Columbus of Golf

Actually, I have no idea if those are the correct words. Everything after "blue" is pretty much a mystery. No one really seems to know the exact words. But that's OK, everyone knows the basic idea and the basis of the story.
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