The vessel Knock Nevis, was built with the name Seawise Giant, and changed her name some times. The last name of the ship and most famous one was Jahre Viking. This was the last sailing name of the ship. After renaming of Jahre Viking to Knock Nevis on 2004, the vessel is anchoren in the Persian Bay, near Qatar, where is used as sailing storage tank. The vessel was too hard for opperation, because the restriction of Suez Canal and Panama Canal, are making the expences about long voyages too big and the profits of Knock nevis were too little for such large ship.
The vessel has a displacement of 647,955 metric tones and can carry 4.1 million barrels of crude oil. This capacity is just enormous, and you can imagine that with one delivery of this vessel the whole world economy will be able to perform for more than 2 days. That is why super-tankers are so used in the world of shipping, but while sailing thay are making too great risks for the ecology.

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